During cleaning and inspection there was enough dried oil and grease found to suggest it had not been apart for a long time. The breech block lockup is solid with no lateral movement. The checkering is still sharp and shows little if any wear. The stock is in excellent condition and shows very few nicks, dents and dings expected for its age. The action parts show vivid color case hardening and the barrel, sights, butt plate and trigger guard are blued. The general overall condition of this rifle is close to new. Curry & Brother of San Francisco, John Lovell of Boston and Cheyenne and Gove of Denver. Louis, Freund Brothers of Denver and Cheyenne, Hartley & Graham of New York, Whitney Arms Co. Some of the companies that made and/or sold these rifles were E.C. The collecting community commonly refer to this style of rifle as a Meacham or Whitney conversion or just “Buffalo Rifle”. Utilizing retired military parts and combining them with commercial parts there were many affordable rifles built for utility purposes such as buffalo hunting.

This rifle is an example of the work that was done by talented and inventive gunsmiths in the late 19 th and early 20 th century.

Springfield Armory Trapdoor / Sharps Sporting rifle if you want to check some auction sited for current auction values try these sites and do a search useing Krag as your search topic.you should get lots of hits but if you try specific model numbers your hits may be quite limited ,heres a couple site to check for auction prices ,auction arms. Hello,it sounds like you have a very nice krag model 1898 rifle,there were 330,000 rifles made between 1898-1903 and values have rizen over the past 10 years on krags ,currently at shows i've been to you can't find a fair-good krag for less than 800-1000 in original configuration,alot of these old war horses were converted to sporters or faux carbines so original examples are in demand in the military collectors market,most krags i've seen seem to be pretty decent condition wise ,but it sounds like yours may be exceptionally nice ,stock markings are very important features in us military rifles in collectors eyes and good crisp clear inspectors proofs will bring the best values,krags will have script inspectors proofs located on the leftside above the trigger guard,with all the right proofs om the right places and metal and wood in excellent condition i would say your krag should value between 1500-2000 at a good military auction with other us military rifles.